Monday, October 12, 2009


A Research Paper

Presented to

Mr. Neil A. Improgo

Faculty of the English Department

Manolo Fortich National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course

English IV


Vevian Camaongay

Herald Campugan

October 12, 2009


The researchers would like to express their brimming and sincerest gratitude to the following crucial persons behind the curtains who have indispensably contributed to the realization and success of this study;

Mr. Neil Improgo, English Teacher, for his valuable and expert advice, knowledge and excellent ideas, thus supporting, advising, supervising and guiding the researchers with utmost patience that led to the study’s completion;

Dr. Erlinda C. Chico, Secondary School Principal II of Manolo Fortich National High School, for her unwavering coordination and concern to the students likewise in allowing the researchers to use the Computer Laboratory for their research work;

Miss Methuselah K. Arenas, Class Adviser, for her consistent and priceless moral support;

The friends and classmates of the researchers, for brightening up the dull moments during the making of the research, for the pieces of advice and encouragement;

The parents of the researchers, for their immense aid through their financial and moral assistance which propelled the fabrication of this study, as well as to the nuggets of wisdom they have armed to the researchers;

Above all, to Almighty GOD, for the enlightenment, strength, wisdom patience and guidance which He bestowed upon the researchers all times.



Our beloved parents,

friends and classmates;

our relatives, teachers and

most especially to

the school where our future lies


This humble piece of work is dedicated.

Vevian Camaongay

Herald Campugan







Outline 1

Introduction 5

Body 6

Conclusion 11



A. Concept Maps 14

B. Pictures 15

C. Videos

Outline 1

I. Nature of Pornograph

A. Etymology

    B. Definition

    II. Sub-genres

III. Indications/Signs

IV. Stages

V. Effects

VI. Dealing Tips


In our modern world today, the production and consumption of films, articles, and other items that contain pornographic scenes and themes are made easier through the more advanced technologies that dominate the sphere. Its mass production among the meek public is very rampant within the markets especially with the increasing use of VCR, the DVD, and the Internet.

The researchers perceived this indecent scene of the heaping pornographic items being sold in the market. Even in the internet shops, warnings telling not to open and view pornographic sites are much given importance. In the same route, it hooked the attention of the researchers of how this issue could be a big deal. The researchers then delved deeper to this issue by conducting this study which revolves around Pornography Addiction, its types, signs, stages, and effects.

Pornography Addiction may not sound alarming and harmful. Discussing this sensitive topic seems to be plainly talking about the pleasure and self-gratification from carrying this out. However, though this addiction does not tackle one’s physical dimensions unlike the effects of smoking and drinking, it can cause distortion in one’s behavioral side and may interfere with one’s daily life.

In a different realm, the researchers’ study has only encompassed the pornography addiction’s sub-genres, the indications of the addiction, the stages it follows, the effects and the possible ways of dealing it. Thus, the scope excludes the pornography’s distribution and production among the public, pornography as social issue, pornography’s legal status and its coverage as threat against the government.



Pornography or porn is the depiction of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement. The word derives from the Greek πορνογραφία (pornographia), which derives from the Greek words πόρνη (pornē, "prostitute" and pornea,"prostitution"), and γράφω (graphō, "I write or record," derived meaning "illustration," cf. "graph"), and the suffix -ία (-ia, meaning "state of," "property of," or "place of"), thus meaning "a written description or illustration of prostitutes or prostitution. Pornography Addiction then is defined as more broadly overuse of pornography, is excessive pornography use that interferes with daily life.

There is dispute about whether pornography addiction exists. There is further argument as to whether or not it has harmful effects. Some sex therapists argue that it is a real addiction with serious consequences, while others argue it is not comparable to substance addiction and should not be classed as such.

Erick Janssen, PhD, a researcher at the Kinsey Institute, criticizes the application of the term addiction to pornography overuse, arguing that while it describes addiction-like behaviour, treating the users as addicts may not help.[1] Stephen Andert, coauthor of "Web Stalkers: Protect Yourself from Internet Criminals & Psychopaths", states "For many people, pornography is a problem. Like alcohol, gambling or drugs, it can take control of a person's life and drag them kicking and screaming or voluntarily into the gutter. The addictive and progressive (or should that be regressive) nature of pornography is well documented." However, Andert identified no source for the claimed documentation.

Dr.'s Randall F. Hyde and Bernell Christensen found that there is a change in the brain's chemistry (dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin and serotonin) when pornography is viewed. They argue that pornography addiction can be legitimized as a chemical dependency: "When an individual ingests or injects a “drug,” that chemical travels to the receptors in the brain and other parts of the body, seeking to “mimic”the body’s own natural neurotransmitters. In effect, the drug “fakes” the body into releasing its own endogenous chemicals. Pornography “mimics” sexual intimacy and “fakes” the body into releasing a tidal wave of chemicals."

Aviel Goodman, M.D., proposed general characteristics of all types of addictions in 1990. Pornography addiction is defined, by those who argue that it exists, as a psychological addiction to, or dependence upon, pornography, characterized by obsessive viewing, reading, and thinking about pornography and sexual themes to the detriment of other areas of one's own life.


In relation to this, Pornography has many sub-genres. It takes in different forms depending on physical characteristics of the participants, fetish, sexual orientation, etc. Reality and voyeur pornography, animated videos, and legally prohibited acts also influence the classification of pornography. Some popular genres of pornography include: Alt porn, Amateur pornography, Fetish pornography, Orientation-based pornography (heterosexual pornography; gay pornography; lesbian pornography; bisexual pornography), Orgy pornography, Race-oriented pornography (e.g. Asian, black, Latino, interracial), Reality pornography and Voyeur pornography (e.g. hidden camera pornography, "upskirt" pornography).


Unconscious or not, pornography addiction can devour one’s mind. It is then good to be aware of its signs whether one is already addicted or not. The following are indications of Porn’s addiction: An inability to stop the behavior (s) and porn use despite previous attempts to do so; anger or irritablity if asked to stop; hiding or attempting to keep secret all or a part of the porn use; continuing the behavior despite obvious consequences – like a relationship or job loss; and getting lost in the problem porn use - i.e. Spending more time than intended, losing time. Knowing its signs or indications is somewhat a form of prevention against the total attraction to its lair.


Some psychologists and sex therapists (for example Kimberly Young, PhD, and Victor Cline, PhD) have proposed stages in pornography addiction. Rory C. Reid and Dan Gray note that the stages need not be sequential and not all individuals experience all stages.

Serial killer Ted Bundy stated that his pornography addiction went through stages. As a boy he reported seeing softcore pornography, and that he later viewed hardcore pornography and violent pornography. Ben Shapiro, in his book "Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future", claimed that this played an influencing role in Bundy's crimes. However, Alexander Barnes Dryer, in his review of the book for The New Republic states that it was difficult to cite just one flaw with the book, as there were so many.

Its stages then are composed of the following. 1) Discovery — The thrill or arousal associated with the material is encountered during this stage. This can happen accidentally or through curiosity. This stage usually refers to initial exposure rather than exposure over a prolonged period of time. There can be a rush because the event represents entering an area that is taboo, forbidden, or simply sensually arousing. 2) Experimentation/Exploration — This stage is characterized by various cognitive distortions as the person rationalizes exploring or experimenting with the material: "it's just harmless fun" or "this isn't hurting anyone". Masturbation usually accompanies this stage, powerfully reinforcing the experience. 3) Desensitization —In this stage, what was once shocking or atrocious is now considered normal or even mundane, thus setting the stage for escalation. 4) Escalation — During this stage, the material becomes rougher and more explicit, in order for the person to achieve the same level of arousal or rush. 5) Performance — This is acting out sexual behaviours depicted in the pornography with one’s partner or if married, she or he may seek a partner outside the marriage.


As feared from it, Pornography Addiction is dangerous. It can bear one the following: 1) Escalation/Desensitization-Addicts experience an ever-increasing lust and a craving for more intense porn. Eventually "soft-core" porn is not stimulating enough, which pushes them into "hard-core." It is a downward spiral. 2) Dissatisfaction with your sex life: Spouses of addicts are affected as sex does not satisfy the addict as it once did. Men who look at porn are dissatisfied by their wife's appearance and this often leads to dysfunctional relationships. 3) Addiction to masturbation: Those addicted to porn are usually addicted to masturbation. The sexual urges become so strong that masturbation becomes the easiest way of release. 4) Shame and guilt: Emotional pain.

is perhaps the most common effect of porn addiction. A deep sense of failure and shame is often experienced. 5) Un-erasable images in your mind: Men who no longer view porn fight with mental images for years. They wish they could erase these images from their mind. 6) "Lonerism" and Secrecy: Porn addicts generally keep to themselves and keep their addiction secret. This often results in dysfunctional relationships. 7) Acting it out: Those who view porn frequently have a greater tendency to act out those sexual behaviors on others, no matter what the cost. This may include rape, group sex, voyeurism, having sex with children, inflicting pain, etc. 8) A wrong view of women: Women in porn are viewed as less than human, mere property, and something to compete for or conquer.


One can also take possible actions or do the following to help himself prevent from the addiction. 1) Getting blocking software for the computer 2) Putting up inspirational pictures around the computer (kids, people you love etc.) 3) Moving the computer to a public space in the home – not in a den or bedroom 4) Having an addiction prevention plan – to carry out when tempted 5) Knowing the signs of porn addiction – both the general signs and those specific to you 6) Knowing the stages of porn addiction 7) Making good use of porn addiction resources like 12-step meetings, sex addiction professionals and online recovery support groups 8) A commitment to breaking pornography addition has to be renewed one-day-at-a-time, it can be a set-up for the addict to think of it as forever.


The study also allowed the researchers to discover alarming statistics about Pornography Addictions. In USA, 60 million admitted to purposely visiting Internet porn sites this year (70% indicate that they keep their online porn use a secret). Also, there are over 4.2 million known separate and distinct porn websites on the Internet, with 2,500 new sites coming online every week. In addition, the 12-17 age group is the largest consumer of Internet porn. In the last year, 1 out of 5 young chatroom users received an unwanted sexual solicitation. Nearly 900 theaters show X-rated films and more than 15,000 “adult” bookstores and video stores offer pornographic material, outnumbering McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S. by a margin of at least three to one. Each year, nearly 100 full-length pornographic films provide estimated annual box office sales of $50 million. Approximately 70% of the pornographic magazines sold eventually end up in the hands of minors.


Everyone is given the intelligence and the will to live life properly. However, others are not able to resist the desire of lust, sex, and immorality. They find ways to satisfy this desire. For them, one convenient way to do so is through viewing, reading, and thinking about pornography and sexual themes to the point of its addiction. However, this could detriment other areas of their lives.

The researchers concluded that Pornography Addiction is indeed a big deal. With the negative effects it can cause, it can certainly interfere one’s life and even his relationship to other people and his relationship to God. With the signs and stages, that one manifests that would determine whether he is addicted or not, the researchers can inevitably compare Pornography Addiction to other vices such as smoking and drinking which can take control one’s life. Likewise, like other vices, Pornography Addiction can be dealt simply by setting the commitment to absolutely stop the habit.

In the end, the remedy lies completely in our hands. In the same sense, if we have the urge to indulge in this habit, we also have equal will and intelligence not to accommodate it.


Pornography. Date retrieved October 10, 2009. <>

Pornography Addiction. Date retrieved October 10, 2009. <>


1. Concept Map

2. Pictures

3. Videos

What is "pornography addiction"?